Dad can have postpartum OCD too

The International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF) Conference took place in July, 2019 and hosted some of the top researchers and clinicians on OCD. We all made our way to Austin and learned about current research, including the most effective way to treat OCD.

I had the honor of presenting at the conference on the topic of OCD during pregnancy and postpartum in women and men. In my research, we have found that 75% of women with OCD before getting pregnant experience worse symptoms during pregnancy or postpartum. Men are also at risk, with 50% of dads experiencing worse symptoms after their child was born.

 OCD can be scary, and even scarier when you have a new baby in the house. Majority of parents reports that the OCD intrusive thoughts are focused on violence (harming oneself or their child). Although these thoughts are scary, we know how to work on them so they feel more manageable.  Check out the IOCDF website for more information about perinatal OCD (

Jenna Ramirez